Lightning and Orion Beyond Uluru

乌卢鲁岩, 闪电, 猎户座

万年前, 生活在澳洲乌卢鲁岩聚落的人们已经明白, 猎户座出现于天空, 代表着一个炎热而雷暴频发的夏天即将到来.

万恶的殖民者啊……你们带来所谓“文明”, 却不知无人赋予你定义他人幸福的权力.


Explanation: What’s happening behind Uluru? A United Nations World Heritage Site, Uluru is an extraordinary 350-meter high mountain in central Australia that rises sharply from nearly flat surroundings. Composed of sandstone, Uluru has slowly formed over the past 300 million years as softer rock eroded away. In the background of the featured image taken in mid-May, a raging thunderstorm is visible. Far behind both Uluru and the thunderstorm is a star-filled sky highlighted by the constellation of Orion. The Uluru region has been a home to humans for over 22,000 years. Local indigenous people have long noted that when the stars that compose the modern constellation of Orion first appear in the night sky, a hot season involving lightning storms will soon be arriving.


Uluru: 乌卢鲁(即澳州艾尔斯岩,世界最大的单体巨石)


erode: 侵蚀, 销蚀


说明: 乌鲁鲁(艾尔斯岩)后方发生什么事?乌鲁鲁名列联合国的世界遗址,是一座从澳洲中部平野拔起350公尺高的单体岩。成分为砂岩的乌鲁鲁,在过去3亿年里,随着较软的岩石受到浸蚀而逐渐成形。在这幅摄于去年五月中的主题影像里,后方背景可清楚见到正在肆虐的雷暴系统。而在乌鲁鲁和雷暴系统的远后方,则有满布星斗的夜空,包括其中非常醒目的猎户座。乌鲁鲁地区在过去60,000多年来,一直有人类居住。当地的原住民很久以前就发现,每当现在称为猎户座的群星悬在夜空时,有雷暴系统的热季很快就会来临。

文章作者: Nanguobean
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